Welcome to Bwaze Hat Co.! We are a family-owned leather patch hat business, providing quality customized hats that we feel will be your favorite, go-to hat for all occasions. Whether you want to support your favorite sports team, advertise your business, show your love of country or celebrate a special event in your life, having the perfect hat to wear can be a great part of your experience!
The name of our hat company was chosen with purpose, inspired by our youngest granddaughter, who at the age of 3, named her pet turtle, “Bwaze”, proudly claiming it was “the perfect name”. Bwaze, the turtle, has become our logo and a daily inspiration and reminder of our vision to be just as diligent in the designing, selection, and making of every hat.
Bwaze Hat Co. truly values our relationships with our customers and wants to make you a very happy one! We hope you will trust us to make the perfect hat for you!
We offer other laser goods under our Bwaze logo as well